
Non Linear Narrative – Material Lab teacher at masters in Design, KABK, The Hague. Grad Show coordinator from Feb 2022 to July 2024.

Most recent

Round table at ‘Relaxed Performance: Neurodiversity as creative force’ Symposium, Theater a/d Rijn, Monday, 17 June, Arnhem.

Performative lecture and spatial intervention during ‘Language Matters‘ / Islands of Kinship Symposium with book launch Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manualfor Inclusive and Sustainable Art Institutions, at Stroom Den Haag, Friday, 14 June, The Hague.

Artist talk at ‘Not to be Senseless’ #2, Saturday, 30 March 2024, iii, The Hague

Moderation film session Phantom Parrot, KABK / Movies that Matter, March 25th

Vlakke vloer – scenography tutor at Academie voor Theater en Dans, AHK Amsterdam, from November 1st, 2023 to January 19th, 2024.

vlakke vloer

Academy for Theater and Dance, Amsterdam: scenography project by students Emilie Jungersen and Lain Koskamp at Frascati theater

The Body as Instrument – workshop for prospect students of Composition, ArtScience and Sonology (CASS), orientation course at KABK/KC, The Hague, on 18 Nov 2023.

Coaching artist in residence Ildikó Horvath at the Grey Space in the Middle, Oct-Nov 2023.

On the same boat – workshop-experiment on social skills for freshmen at KABK, August 21st, 2023.

Teaching ArtScience at Voortraject / Kunstplan, at the KABK/Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, from January 2019 to June 2023.

Where is here and now? Masterclass on embodiment for the School for Young Talent (SvJT), The Hague, April 17th, 2023

In Search for a Tactile Aesthetics – artist talk at Experts Meeting on Senses & Synaesthesia – Kunstmuseum Den Haag March 1st, 2023; with thanks to Caro Verbeek.

The Body as Instrument – workshop for prospect students of Composition, ArtScience and Sonology (CASS), orientation course at KABK/KC, The Hague, on 11 Feb 2023.


Movement Lab – workshop at Masters Collaborative program at the KABK, The Hague, December 14th, 2022.

Artist talk at Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Sep 5th, 2022. Photo by Jasja Johanna

Sensing Self through Movement – artist talk at Mediamatic, Amsterdam, Sep 5th. An evening on sensory experience with Weimin Zhu, Ludmila Rodrigues and Jenny Konrad. With live stream

Of Warmth and Solace: Mediating Presence through Temperature Sensing – Lecture-performance at Collegium Festival–with PhDArts candidates, PhDArts alumni, and Research Group members of Lectorate Art, Theory and Practice at the Royal Academy of Art– on June 23rd, Leiden.

Water in de Campus, with Mike Rijnierse – Art Challenge on the quality of the water at TU-Delft, a collaboration between TU Delft Campus & Real Estate, TU Delft Library, Art Works on Campus and Crossing Parallels, on June 11 & 18, at Science Centre, Delft.

Behind the scenes of embodied experience: making art for the public’s body – Guest lecturer at HBO Communication & Multimedia Design, Avans Hogeschool, Breda, May 30th, 2022.

The Performative Body, lecture-workshop for prospective students of Composition, ArtScience and Sonoly, at KABK/KC orientation course, The Hague, March 12th, 2022.

Transcending Labour Workout, test-lab presentation and workshop, collaboration with Kexin Hao, February 12th, iii workspace, The Hague.

Datamorphosis | NLN Tech Week, February 7-11, 2022. Workshop led by Ludmila Rodrigues, Rob Bothof and Mike Rijnierse. This workshop was tailored for the KABK Masters in Non Linear Narratives, to bridge the digital, abstract realm of numbers with the physical, local, sensory experience. Rather than visualizing live data on the screen, we focused on interpreting information, social trends and ecological phenomena as alternative modes of experience, including performances, installations, (inter)actions, with sounds, smells and tasting. Location: Quartair, The Hague.

Camille de Noray and Leonie Gores perform at Datamorphosis / Tech Week, Quartair, The Hague, 11 Feb 2022


Online workshop on Tactility, organized by iii, via Zoom; April 24th, 2021.

Today public health concerns have rendered human proximity a threat – with touch becoming at once “dangerous” and endangered. We rely on online gatherings for working and staying in contact with friends. Although these tools offer a temporary solution, current technologies are still limited – they afford seeing and hearing, which are precisely the distant senses. What happens to non-verbal cues, gestures and the affective dimension of human communication? How will we restore tactility in times of strict health measures and social distancing?

This workshop explored the phenomenon of tactility, its potentials and meanings while grappling and experimenting with the limitations of online media. Through experiential exercises using home-based utensils, participants play, speculate and debate on the various facets of touch. The artist shares her on-going research and meditation on technologically assisted touch.

An online tactile exploration: together apart, remotely connected

The Performative Body – workshop at KABK/Koncon orientation course for Composition, ArtScience and Sonology prospective students; March 13th, 2021.


Guest speaker and coach at the Soft Robotics Burst Week of Interactive/Media/Design (I/M/D) KABK, The Hague, September 16th and 19th.

Sensescapes introductory workshop at KABK/Royal Academy of Art, The Hague,  2018 and 2019.


Workshop Being in the City, The Anxious City festival, Rotterdam, September, 1st 2018.

Residency at Wageningen Universiteit: Participatory experiment at Earth Futures symposium, Wageningen, October 19th, 2018.

Session Moderator at Framing Artistic Practice symposium, a PARTS Project/KABK, The Hague, April 20th. See also on


Kinesthetic Lab – Playing as Learning Process, KABK intro week, The Hague, August 2017

The Body of The Audience, workshop at Corpo-real, ArtEZ, Zwolle, May 2017

Platform for Flexible Media, IST course at the Royal Academy of Art, KABK, The Hague, March – May 2017


WE, Agent-based choreographic tactics, in collaboration with architect Satoru Sugihara, Modern Body festival, The Hague, November 30th, 2016

Body Maze Workshop, Space Media Festival, Taipei, Taiwan, August 2016


Art History teacher, coach and coordinator of young talents, at Galpão Aplauso, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.